
Events Calendar
Photo Album
Class Directory
Class Information


Here are the latest important events and rumors.  All information below is hearsay and conjecture.  If you want material added or removed, e-mail the webmaster immediately.


May 12, 2001 - Powder Puff was last night.  Anyone there can tell you where the party was...not there.  Juniors naturally beat the freshmen 38-0, although the freshies looked better in their uniforms.  The senior chicks had to recruit players at the last minute to have a full team.  They beat the sophomores 2-0 and lost to the Juniors 8-0 in the final game.  By the end of the night, the audience consisted of 5 seniors and 100 mad Junior parents.  Have a sense of humor for crying out loud!

May 7, 2001 - Mrs. Garafola did a supreme job organizing and conducting the senior trip to Disney World and Grad Nite.  Send pictures to post if you have them!

April 10, 2001 - Wow!  Look at that, over 2 months without an update.  Sorry peeps, well, those who actually look at this anyway.  I don't think that comp. ad in the paper did much good.  The senior musical ended last week.  Mad props to the cast!  The soundtrack and video for it are currently in production.  

February 4, 2001 - Sorry for lack of updates.  Chess had a great, unique week from January 30th to February 1st.  Soundtrack and video are currently in post production.  Also, sad news:  Disney trip seniors will miss Dave Matthews at Jazzfest.

February 3, 2000 - The Science Club Quiz Bowl team beat Chalmette 104-14 and LSMSA!!!!!  Next year...BRM!

December 31, 2000 - Man how was that Saints game!  Hope everyone has a fun safe new year, and new millennium.  Added the link to the 2002 page; it has immense potential, so check it out.

December 11, 2000 - Ok, so I haven't updated this thing in a while.  I'm sure you all know how busy seniors can get with projects, college stuff, etc.  Anyway,  nothing is happening really.  Oh!  Senior Senators, don't forget to visit your businesses for donations to the senior breakfast!

Rufus_Funk.jpg (59831 bytes)December 6, 2000 - Almost forgot the Crest Fest!  That was tonight.  Stand In was great, but the best bands in my opinion were at the end.  Mr. Philebar sang "All Along The Watchtower", and Rufus Funk had a rockin' set.  The Rufus Funk mp3s are here (If you have problems, right-click on 'Click here to download' and click 'Save As')Get Up On The Funk, Bumpin' Sticks, Rapper's Delight, Chameleon, Album Info.  I also have a great digital video, so e-mail me if you want a copy of that or the master audio CD.

December 1, 2000 - The Skipper basketball team beat Ben Franklin by 40 points, and went on to beat St. Paul's buy 5 points today.

November 20, 2000 - I got a new server account for all the WMHS and Senior Men Files.  All should be up and running, faster too.  2 more videos from the class of 1999 were added.  

November 17, 2000 - The Skippers finally lost, but it took a team like Carencro, strait out of Varsity Blues,  to do it 18-0.  Thanks fellas for the best season we've ever had.  WMHS goofed up today too.  NOT MY FAULT!!  Download it on the WMHS page.  

Jesuit.jpg (138639 bytes)November 10, 2000 - Skippers beat Jesuit 21-14!  It wasn't a shutout, but hey, we are 11-0!  Sorry there was no WMHS today.

November 8, 2000 - Herff Jones got us out of class 3rd hour to talk about graduation supplies.  On the plus side, it doesn't seem to be as much of a scam as last year.

November 3, 2000 - SKIPPERS TAKE THE LIONS 3-0!!!!!!  UNDEFEATED DISTRICT CHAMPS!!  Too bad we didn't tear down their signs again.  

TS_Brett_Jaci2.jpg (54862 bytes)November 2, 2000 - Bush won the mock election in a landslide victory... if only we could vote.  Also, the Talent Show was tonight.  Congrats to the winners:  Amy Reynolds, the Senior Men Quintet, and those goofy juniors with Matt Foley.  (E-mail me if you want a video)

October 27, 2000 - What a great Homecoming!  WMHS got a bunch of laughs, senior men was at least hilarious, we won the totem pole contest, and Blair Hollyfield was crowned queen, with the lovely Marrianne Cain as the maid of honor.  To top it all off, we killed the Northshore Panthers 35-0!  Did I mention we won the totem pole contest? 

October 26, 2000 - After lots of fun with the freshmen, and the Sheriff's Dept., we finally had the Homecoming parade.  Hopefully That story will be posted on the message board.  All is cool now though.

October 20, 2000 - Holy cow, have we ever beat Ponchatoula so bad?  24-0!

October 13, 2000 - WHO SHUT THE DOGS OUT??? The Skippers did, 9-0.  Keep going fellas!  WMHS also came back; a very good episode if I do say so myself.  Senior men performed again, funny stuff.

October 6, 2000 - Skippers beat Slidell 17-10.  Keep going fellas!

September 29, 2000 - The Skippers beat the Walker Wildcats 14-0!  It should have been 36 to nothing, but the refs made some bad calls.  This is looking to be the best season since 1995.  Also WMHS was banned from the air today, so the episode is available exclusively online here.

September 27, 2000 - Senior Men Videos from the classes 1999 and 2001 are on the Photo page with a poll for the best class group.  Don't forget to vote!

September 22, 2000 - Skippers beat Hammond 12-6 in overtime!  Nice kick Sandoz!  Senior men premiered at the Freshmen Day pep-rally; pictures on the photo page.  Surprisingly, the freshies won the spirit stick.  Kudos to the fun ones who participated.

September 15, 2000 - The Skippers beat the Tara Trojans 17-15 with a field goal in the remaining 5 minutes.  No pep-rally! :(

September 12, 2000 - Nominations for the Homecoming court were made today after much deliberation in the office about the number of nominees.  Poor Mr. Morlas.  (Insider)

September 8, 2000 - The Skippers beat the Bogalusa Lumberjacks 28-18.  Geaux Skippers!  Also, the second WMHS is now online.  Get it here.

September 6, 2000 - We got our ID tags today.  Quite the fad if you ask me.  *cough* not!  Kudos to Greg Talmage for having the funniest picture.  Also, as I was looking for a tape to sample our latest WMHS work, I came upon two episodes from the class of '99.  Get them here.

September 5, 2000 - There was a rather tragic death over the weekend at a party in Lacombe.  Some Fontainebleau kid was allegedly tripping on something, climbed a fifty foot light pole, and thought he could fly.  You know the rest.  Simple lesson here:  Don't do anything stupid.

September 1, 2000 - First WMHS, we killed St. Paul's!! 31-3!!!!!

August 31, 2000 - BBBS picked the theme for Freshman Day.  "FRUITY FRESHMEN!"

August 30, 2000 - Senior Men try-outs were at Chantal's house, good luck Brett!

August 24, 2000 - Well, this first week of school is almost over.  Man are there a bunch of new things to get used to.  Planners are still for sale from any Mu Alpha Theta member for $7.  The parking lot was oddly re-engineered, bare with the student council on that one.  we get our name badges in a few weeks; boy won't that be funny.  I think we should have a contest on who can decorate theirs the best. more on that to come.  I am also thinking of adding a Senate page with notes from officers and class happenings to keep everyone in the know, so stay tuned.

August 5, 2000 - MHS representatives at Girl's and Boy's State returned home.  Representatives were Jaci Cole, Ashley Truhe, Dawn White, Taylor Capouch, and Don Elbers.

July 31, 2000 - I got an MHS summer news letter.  All the important information will be posted here and on the calendar.  Planners for $7 will be in sale on Senior Business Day, orientation, and opening day.  Parking stickers are $10 and require a clearance slip from Mrs. Gaude, insurance, and license.  They will be sold to seniors on Senior Business day then to Seniors and Juniors only on August 26 from 9:00 to noon, and on the following Monday from 2:00 to 4:00.  New faculty members - Band:  Paul Frechou    English:  Lisa Edwards    Mathematics:  Deborah Kilzer, Jennifer Morales, William Schneider    Science:  Paul Hall, Franco Zambon    Social Studies:  Jennifer Donewar, Pam Simon    Spanish:  Claire Thomas

July 30, 2000 - I started a section on the message board for class song nominations.  Post your nominations there or e-mail them to me, and I will start a poll so we can vote on the best.  This poll will not be official, but it would be fun to know what might win!

July 28-29, 2000 - For some reason, this site got over 280 hits on each of these days.  Either our class sight got really popular or someone got bored and clicked refresh quite a few times around 4 PM.

July 23, 2000 - For those of you Spanish students having conjugation trouble, I made this document with tables on every verb form.  Click here to download it.

July 21, 2000 - Two members from Baton Rouge that Adam Bernstein, Cristina Miller, and Marianne Cain went with to the summer Hi-Y convention in NC came to town.  A picture of them is on the Photo Album page.

July 21, 2000 - Chat room added.

July 21, 2000 - Will Wagar and I were at the police station this morning.  Apparently, there have been many degrading flyers about the soccer, football, and wrestling team, and the dance team.  These flyers are being mailed around to students around the 21st of every month this summer and were also delivered to school parking lots of St. Pauls and Fountainbleau.  The police have few leads and need our help.  No joke people, the mentality it takes to do this stuff is no different than that of the Columbine massacre.  I don't want that at our school and you don't either.  If you have any information on who is doing this or how it is being done, contact Detective Charlene Frosch: 504-626-9711.

July 19, 2000 - This web page was created.



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Last updated Saturday, May 12, 2001 16:49

Send all questions, comments, suggestions, submissions, and insults if you have any to the webmaster:

AOL: hugehead83

<The Webmaster